Virtual Vision Health DICOM communication workflow and capabilities
The core and main interface for our services runs off the Virtual Vision Portal. It is a standards-based website accessible from any desktop or mobile operating system. This is where you will begin studies, enter or pull in patient demographic information, assign an exam to a headset, and view and download exam results.
Our headsets run special versions of Android and connect to the internet through standard Wi-Fi protocols. We support all Wi-Fi security protocols that Android supports, up to WPA-3 Enterprise as supported by your organization.
Once our headsets are connected to the internet they will make secure TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 connections to our three domains,,, and The headsets poll these servers to request orders AND to send the completed exam data back to Virtual Vision Health's systems for processing.
As to DICOM, we provide and support the core DICOM services, DICOM modality worklist and DICOM storage services. These workflows require the setup of an IKEv2 or IKEv1 IPsec tunnel connection to our systems in our Amazon AWS cloud.
We are capable of setting up IPSec tunnels using any of the major Phase 1 and Phase 2 encryption settings currently available, from basic to military grade levels. The IPSec tunnel has fail-over capability through the use of several AWS availability zones to provide automatic rollover in the case that one of our tunnel endpoints becomes unavailable or loses access to the internet.
Our reports are DICOM compatible. At this time, for maximum compatibility, your reports are sent as standard DICOM encapsulated-PDFs of modality tag OPV. As DICOM is standards based, we should be able to communicate with any DICOM-compliant PACS or VNA. An up to date list of successful DICOM integrations is available upon request.